Clinic Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
You aren’t the only person who is thinking about your surgery! At Northeast Georgia Medical Center, our surgical and anesthesia staff start preparing for your procedure far in advance. Your surgeon may ask you to schedule an appointment in our Pre-Surgical Clinic where we will gather valuable information that will help us be more prepared for your big day.
Preparing for your visit
Items to bring to your pre-surgical clinic visit:
- You may eat and drink normally, as well as continue medications, prior to your appointment.
- Results of current X-ray, EKG, labs, cardiac studies, lung function and/or stress tests. The clinical staff will review the results to determine if tests need to be repeated, or if additional testing is required.
- A list of all medications you are currently taking, including non-prescription and herbal medications, with current dosages and frequency of use.
- Insurance information, including insurance card
- Driver’s license or other photo identification, as well as Social Security number
- Eyeglasses, if needed to read forms
- Advance directives
- Living Will or Medical Durable Power of Attorney
- Credit card, debit card, personal check or cash is accepted for any co-payment
Day of Visit
Parking Information
Parking is available in NGMC Gainesville’s North Deck, directly across from the North Patient Tower. Enter through the rotunda and follow the corridor on the left to the Registration office.
Please report to Registration, the first office on your right 30 minutes prior to your appointment. A member of our Registration staff will walk you to the Pre-Surgical Clinic waiting area after you are registered.
During Your Visit
Your visit may last as long as 90 minutes and may include:
- Surgery registration
- Pre-Surgical Clinic visit with a physician
- Additional tests, if needed
A urine sample may be needed; please check with the receptionist prior to using the restroom.