Laurelwood is part of Northeast Georgia Medical Center and is conveniently located on the Medical Center’s campus in Gainesville.
A 54-bed facility, Laurelwood is a private, not-for-profit, inpatient behavioral health facility dedicated to the stabilization and treatment of individuals with mental illness and/or substance abuse.
A recognized leader in the region, Laurelwood is committed to improving the health of our community in all that we do. Professional, competent and compassionate staff is what separates Laurelwood from other treatment facilities. Our team is attentive to the individual needs of each patient. We are dedicated to providing high quality services that promote a positive therapeutic treatment experience.

Patient-Centered Care
Implementing a patient-centered approach, the interdisciplinary treatment team works collaboratively to assist the patient in his/her recovery. The primary members of the treatment team include the patient, psychiatrist, nurses, therapists, family members and case managers. Team members use their specific training and skill in partnership with the patient to progress toward the goals of treatment. Family members and/or supportive persons are encouraged to participate in the therapeutic process.
For more information about Laurelwood, call 770-219-3800 or (800) 848-3649.
For assessments, please call 770-219-2888 or (800) 848-3649.