Tips to Promote Fun & Safety in the Sun

Published: Thursday, July 14, 2022

Summer is a time of relaxation, sun, family vacations and much more. Whether you’re out by the pool, camping, cooking out, or working in the garden, follow these summer safety tips for a fun, healthy season.

3 Heat Safety Tips

1. Stay Hydrated

Hot weather can speed up the rate water leaves the body, making it easier to become dehydrated. Keep hydrated by drinking enough water or beverages free from caffeine, alcohol or excessive sugar.

2. Wear Sunscreen Daily

While outside, adequately apply board spectrum sunscreen on exposed skin to prevent the risks of sun damage. Apply sunscreen, liberally to all uncovered skin and reapply at least every two hours.

3. Never Leave People or Pets in Parked Vehicles

Car interiors heat up quickly in the summertime. Avoid distractions when leaving your vehicle and always double check for children or pets that may have been left behind.

5 Water Safety Tips

Drowning ranks fifth among causes of unintentional death, according to the National Drowning Prevention Alliance – and kids aren’t the only victims. Keep yourself and your families safe by following these tips.

  1. Never swim alone
  2. Swim in designated areas
  3. Don’t overestimate your swimming abilities
  4. Designate an adult who is free from distraction to supervise those in the water
  5. Wear a life jacket if participating in any boating, paddling, or towed water sport regardless of swimming abilities

You can Save a Life


Summertime activities can increase the risk of cardiac arrest due to drowning or heart attack. Training in CPR can prepare you to offer immediate help to someone in need while waiting for emergency medical assistance. According to the American Heart Association, the chances of a person surviving cardiac arrest while away from a hospital can double or triple if they are given proper CPR.

Stop the Bleed

A bleeding injury can happen anywhere and is #1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. With 3 quick actions, you can be trained to save a life. Over 1.9 million people have learned to Stop the Bleed. You can too!

Learn More

If you are interested in learning CPR or Stop the Bleed please visit or contact Jackie Payne, Trauma Outreach and Injury Prevention Coordinator at