Simple Tips Every New Mom Should Hear

Published: Friday, July 16, 2021

By: Kami English, BSN, RNC-MNN | Mother/Baby Clinical Educator, NGMC

Preparing for the arrival of your new baby is exciting and joyful, but it can also feel a little overwhelming. To help settle some of the nerves, we’ve compiled a few helpful tips to remember when your baby arrives.

Enjoy this new stage.

Live in the now. They won’t stay little forever. Try to put the long days and nights into perspective. Yes, they are hard! And yes, it gets tiring! But it goes faster than you think, so try to enjoy it. 

Let others help.

Family and friends are there to help! Don’t be afraid to express your needs to your loved ones. If they’re offering to help, don’t be afraid to take advantage of their kindness, especially if it gives you a minute to relax or take a nap – which we all know new moms could use!

Take a break.

Becoming a new mom can be overwhelming. It is essential to take a breather now and then, so when someone offers to help with your baby, take a minute for yourself! Whether it’s a nap or a nice walk outside, a short break can make a huge impact on your mental health. A healthy, happy mom is not only best for you, but for your baby and family too.

Meal planning and prep

Planning your meals ahead of time will take the stress out of figuring out what’s for lunch and dinner. It not only reduces stress, but it will help you save time, eat better and save money!

Be consistent.

Babies need structure, so set a consistent schedule for feedings and sleeping. It will help you able to rest, eat and plan. Take a nap yourself when the baby is napping.

Don’t forget to shower, brush your teeth and take care of other self-care needs. The simple everyday care tasks are so important and are easier to sneak in between other parenthood tasks, so get them when you can! Remember to be flexible and adaptable if you get off schedule. Try not to worry too much about getting back to the exact times and ease back into the regular time frames as you can.

Back up your photos and videos.

This is an exciting new time and your camera roll will show that! Remember to back up your photos to either a Cloud service or hard drive often. Those memories are irreplaceable.

Don’t be hard on yourself.

You’re doing great! If your schedule gets off, meal prepping doesn’t go as planned, or your baby just won’t sleep at night, try not to stress or worry too much. Your baby feeds off your emotional state, so a calm mom will help soothe your baby, too!

Let us help you prepare before the baby’s arrival.

At Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC), we offer a multitude of classes to help you and your family prepare for your baby’s arrival, including:

  • Prepared Childbirth classes
  • Breastfeeding classes
  • Newborn Parenting classes
  • Car Seat Safety classes
  • NGHS have online classes that you can take at your own pace! To sign up for a class or to learn more, visit

Stay in tune with your feelings and emotions.

Becoming a new mom comes with a slew of emotions and hormonal changes. While all moms will feel overwhelmed and exhausted at times, it’s important to keep an eye on your mental state and feelings.

Pick a friend or family member to check in with and talk to when you have a free minute. Talking to others is a good reminder that you are not alone!

Take advantage of free mental and emotional health resources.

Know that there are FREE resources available, right here in our own community, to help if you feel sad, lonely, depressed or anxious.

In fact, NGMC offers free virtual support groups led by a local psychologist and perinatal mental health specialist Susanne Stribling. You can learn more here:

At NGMC, it’s important to us to provide care for our mothers and families from pregnancy to birth and beyond. We offer a wide range of resources (some mentioned above), such as childbirth education classes, labor & delivery services, lactation services and other women’s care.