Research & Innovation Month

We are thrilled to welcome you and invite you to Northeast Georgia Health System’s Research & Innovation Month.

About Research & Innovation Month

Research & Innovation Month presents an opportunity to celebrate and showcase the cutting-edge research and scholarly activities of NGHS investigators.

Research Week 2022 Poster Session

At NGHS we provide safe and effective care for patients as well as support a culture and environment where research and scholarly activities are seen as a valuable mechanism for continuous improvement. We strive to cultivate and support innovative ideas from investigators who are passionate about improving the health of our patients and our community.

Many of our nurses, physicians, pharmacists, therapists, and other dedicated staff members conduct and lead outcomes-based studies that span the scope of breakthrough drug and medical device-based clinical trials as well as high-impact quality improvement projects that allow us to deliver outstanding care and new treatment options to our patients throughout the year.

Research & Innovation Month: October 2023

This institution-wide showcase will feature the outstanding research, evidence-based practice and quality improvement work our investigators have led throughout the year.

View research presentations, videos, posters, research results and more from our NGHS investigators and renowned invited speakers.

Research & Scholarly Activities

Learn more about how the research and scholarly activities conduced at NGHS build scientific understanding, improving the quality and value of healthcare practice locally, nationally and beyond.

About the Office of Research

For nearly three decades, Northeast Georgia Health System has offered clinical trial opportunities to patients in our community. By participating in clinical trials, our patients have access to cutting edge medical therapies that they would not have access to through standard of care.

Patients have access to breakthrough therapies in their local community without having to travel long distances to receive new medications or medical devices as part of their treatment for cancer, heart disease, or other medical conditions that they would not have access to outside of a clinical trial.

The role of the Office of Research at Northeast Georgia Health System is to support the operations of clinical trials throughout the system across multiple specialties. In addition to conducting clinical trials, we offer regulatory assistance as well as guidance on study design and start up.

For those investigators within our system who are interested in starting their own research, please reach out to our office for help with study start up as well as any regulatory questions that you may have.