Prevent T2 Diabetes Program

In-Person and Virtual Attendance


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Diabetes prevention is proven possible and powerful! The Diabetes Education Department and the YMCA have partnered together to offer a Type 2 diabetes prevention course, called the Prevent T2 Program. The course is taught by a certified facilitator and is designed to offer the group support and encouragement many people need to prevent diabetes.

The Prevent T2 Program offers 26 sessions and uses an evidence-based lifestyle program to help you understand and choose methods to decrease your risk of getting diabetes.

Prevent T2 is a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program designed to help people who have pre-diabetes cut their risk in half for developing type 2 diabetes. This is a year long program (once a week sessions for 16 weeks and then 1-2 sessions per month until the program is complete). Participants will learn how to eat healthy without giving up all the foods they love, add physical activity to their busy schedules, cope with stress and the challenges that can derail their hard work.

Meetings: Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. at Braselton Campus or Virtual
Cost for the program is $100.

To qualify for this event participants must:

  • Be 18 or older
  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or more (23 or more if Asian American)
  • Not be previously diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
  • Not be pregnant

And meet 1 of the following conditions:

  • Have an A1c showing prediabetes
  • Previously diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes
  • Have a high risk result on a prediabetes risk test

Upcoming Dates: