What can I expect during a sleep study?
During a sleep study, you will spend the night in our comfortable, home-like center so we can gather data on your sleep. The testing procedure is painless. You will be monitored while you sleep by specially trained sleep technicians using the most advanced diagnostic equipment. A copy of your results will be sent to your referring physician, along with a recommendation for an appropriate course of treatment. For night shift workers, daytime diagnostic studies are available.
What is a sleep study?
A sleep study is an evaluation of how your body functions during sleep. Activities of your brain, heart, lungs and certain muscles are recorded and stored in a computer as you sleep. The recording of these signals is called a polysomnogram. An analysis of the recording is used to diagnose the presence and severity of sleep disorders. The study is preformed in a private sleep room. This is a painless procedure. No needles, drugs or invasive procedures are used
What types of sleep studies do you perform?
A technologist will apply electrodes to your scalp, face, chest, abdomen and legs. A probe painlessly attached to your finger monitors oxygen levels and a small wire attached to your upper lip monitors airflow from your nose and mouth. All the electrodes plug into a small junction box, which you will wear around your neck to allow you additional mobility. A cable attaches to the bottom of the junction box and connects to the sleep system computer. The technologist will monitor you throughout your study from another room and will be able to communicate with you. Once awakened, the technologist will easily disconnect you from the equipment.
An evaluation of how your body fuctions during sleep. Activites of your brain, heart, and lungs are recorded and stored in the portable device. This test is also a Polysomnogram, but is done at home and is not attended by a Sleep Technologist. This test is not for everyone as certain health conditions can be a contraindication for a Home Sleep Test.
If diagnosed with sleep disordered breathing the doctor might recommend a trial of titration with CPAP machine. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. This is an air pump that gently opens the airway with air pressure, as you sleep, to avoid closure of the airway from tissue in the neck and airway.
For ages 4 and up – A basic Polysomnogram for pediatrics. Our staff will work with your child to create a non threatening and comforting environment while collecting signals to document activities of your brain, heart, lungs and certain muscles.
This is a test of several opportunities to fall asleep/nap throughout the day to determine average sleep latency and presence of REM sleep for differential diagnosis of Narcolepsy. MSLT may be indicated as part of the evaluation of patients with suspected Idiopathic Hypersomnia to help differentiate this from narcolepsy. This test always follows an all night polysomnogram as proof of a previous night’s 6-8 hours of sleep.
Indicated to access a person’s ability to remain awake when his or her inability to remain awake constitutes a public or personal safety issue. MWT may be indicated in a person with excessive daytime sleepiness to access response to treatment.
The sleep center performs all sleep testing in accordance with the AASM practice parameters and published guidelines.
Contact Us
If you have any problems or concerns with your quality of sleep, please call the Sleep Disorders Center of NGMC at 770-219-6263 for more information, or to schedule a consultation with our sleep specialist or medical director.