Located at Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville, Georgia Heart Institute’s heart failure treatment unit offers a specialized care team and state-of-the-art technology to ensure the best outcomes and recovery for patients receiving in-patient treatment for heart failure.
About the Unit
Named for the late W. Woodrow “Woody” Stewart, who served as chairman of The Medical Center Foundation from 1998 – 2012, the advanced Heart Failure unit in Gainesville includes :
- 16-bed unit designed for patient and family comfort,
- More efficient care, aided by a centrally-located nursing station and integrated state-of-the-art cardiac monitoring systems,
- An entire care team, including doctors, physicians assistants, nurses and patient navigators who have specific training in heart failure,
- Advanced heart failure treatment and monitoring systems,
- This unit was the fourth unit in the nation to provide pulmonary artery monitoring outside of the critical care unit
- Designed with patient and family comfort in mind.
Nathan-Schrage Education Center
Georgia Heart Institute is dedicated to ensuring a lifetime of heart health for our patients and providing care environments that truly address their specific needs. With that in mind, our heart failure treatment unit also includes an education center, which focuses on helping patients with heart failure understand their condition and adjust their lifestyle to maintain their health.
The Nathan-Schrage Education Center includes:
- A state-of-the-art demonstration kitchen,
- A high-tech video system to give patients access to the education from their rooms or via smart phone if they cannot attend classes or demonstrations,
- Daily chef demonstration of tasty heart healthy recipes,
- Cardiac Nurse Educators who provide education on living and maintaining heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases.
Learn About Our Program
The Heart Failure Center at Georgia Heart Institute brings together a multidisciplinary team with specialized expertise to ensure that patients with heart failure have access to the latest advancements in care in an environment tailored to their needs.
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