Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect in my initial consultation?

Given that patients with advanced CAD are often medically complex and high risk for traditional interventions, like surgery or stenting, we have a more in-depth consultation process with our patients to ensure we find the best solutions to help them meet their goals.

We often ask patients to bring a family member or a friend along to their consultation. We may also evaluate patients for other conditions that could be impacting their quality of life, like sleep apnea, diabetes, kidney disease, COPD, and more. Taking a holistic approach helps us trace down the reasons a patient is struggling with day-to-day activities to formulate a treatment option that will truly make them feel better.

Additionally, patients can complete their necessary testing on the same day as their consultation.

What is recovery like after one of these interventions?

It depends on the specific intervention and the complexity of the procedure, but given that these are minimally invasive procedures, most patients go home the next day. Some patients may even go home on the same day as their procedure. 

What should I expect life to be like after a complex coronary intervention?

Our goal for patients of the Center for Complex Coronary Disease is to provide relief of their symptoms with a very brief recovery period.  Typically, within a few days after a procedure, patients will notice significant improvements in their ability to do day-to-day activities and their energy levels compared to before.

What are the risks of undergoing a procedure with the Complex Coronary Center?

Overall, these procedures have a similar survival rate to heart bypass surgery, typically with an overall average procedural risk of less than 5%. Given the reduced hospital stay, recovery time, and minimal discomfort involved in the rehabilitation process, this can make a complex coronary intervention the preferred option for many patients, especially those of advanced age.

What if coronary artery bypass is preferred? 

The Center for Complex Coronary Disease partners with the cardiovascular surgeons of Northeast Georgia Physicians Group, a part of Georgia Heart Institute to provide state-of-the-art care on all fronts.  We are able to offer both off-pump and robotic coronary artery bypass grafting. If you have been turned down for heart bypass surgery before, but that is the preferred option, our program offers surgery for patients with even the most advanced coronary artery disease.

We will evaluate you in partnership with our heart surgeons. If you are still felt too high risk for surgery, our Center for Complex Coronary Disease will discuss minimally invasive options that can improve your quality of life.