Car Seat Safety Class – with Car Seat Distribution

This event has ended.

October 21, 2022 from 8:30 am to 10:00 am

825 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, Ste. A, Gainesville GA 30501 Get Details

In-Person Attendance


Make sure your baby is as safe as possible in his or her car seat by taking this class and learning from the experts. You will receive a discounted car seat for attending the class.

Register Now

Attendance Information:

  • The parent or guardian must be currently enrolled in a financially screened program and be a Hall or Barrow County resident to qualify for the class.
  • The parent or guardian must attend the entire class in order to receive a car seat.
  • Each car seat costs $10.00 and Safe Kids is only able to accept cash.
  • We cannot distribute car seats to anyone other than the parent or guardian of the child.
  • Due to the limited space available and the nature of the content, we recommend that participants find alternative childcare arrangements for this session. We want to ensure a comfortable and focused learning environment for all attendees. We appreciate your understanding.


Women & Children's Education Center

825 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, Ste. A
Gainesville, GA 30501

This class is located in the Women and Children's Education Center which is across the street from the hospital.

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Elaina Lee
Safe Kids Coordinator



Have a question?

Call 770-219-8095

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